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Posted September 18, 2010

Moving Mountains (to get to Bar Harbor)

The weeks leading up to the Bar Harbor CPE trials seemed to be a test of our determination.

Senior aged parents in and out of the hospital (mostly in), broken down trucks, busted machinery, work deadlines, strained checking accounts and zero practice time made it seem like moving mountains to get to Bar Harbor. Friends pulling together got us on the road in the nick of time. To those of you who helped – and you know who you are – my sincere thanks.

Friday was our first ever agility run. Mojo and I stepped into the ring. Mojo cool and collected, like he’d done this a hundred times before, sat like a coiled up watch spring waited patiently for his release command. His eyes focused on me. I softly commanded “over” and he shot forward without hesitation. We began this first “gamble” – a send out challenge where the handler must direct the dog from behind a line predetermined by the trial judge. He nailed it! We did it twice more to complete the challenge and went on to finish the course.

So began our new journey – or should I say addiction. As the weekend went on and we became more comfortable in the arena, our bond became stronger. At one point I became so mesmerized by his athleticism and speed that I lost my place during a run and had to be prompted by the judge to the next obstacle. Mojo’s facial expression was one of “come on man – FOCUS” but he later forgave me for the lapse. We are, after all, just beginners Mojo and I, with no formal training.

We went on to have a pretty successful weekend getting our first qualifying ribbons; placing 2nd on Saturday in a game called Colors and, Sunday morning placing 3rd in Jumpers. This greatly exceeded any expectations we had going into the event.

I have come to understand the attraction to this dog sport. I have experienced no greater feeling than when our souls seemingly became one – if just for a moment. Man and dog on the same plane, performing as one. Mojo was an extension of my body, an almost existential experience. It was beyond thrilling.

For those who do not know or appreciate dogs the way us dog lovers do, this must sound ridiculous or even insane. Maybe so, but you don’t know what you’re missing.

After weeks of seemingly endless trials, tribulations and disappointments, this was a bright and shining sun on the horizon signifying that better days lie ahead. It was a tremendous weekend of making new friends, laughing, story swapping and friendly competition. It helped us to realize that with a little help from our friends, we can move mountains and get to Bar Harbor... or any trail we choose.

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